March 31, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - March 31, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

At each Passover seder, we say: In every generation, each one is obligated to see himself as if he, personally, left Egypt (bechol dor vador chayav adam lir’ot et atzmo k’ilu yatzanu mimitzrayim)

We fulfill this obligation by retelling the engaging story of the Exodus and by introducing changes to the normal practice in order to elicit questions from the children. We lean and we drink wine in the way of free people. We spontaneously praise G-d.

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March 24, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - March 24, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

This week, we commemorated shavua ma'asim tovim - Good Deeds Week. Teachers and students prepared and distributed notes of appreciation to colleagues and friends. Our Kindergarten visited Kline Galland Home and played music for the residents. One thoughtful young student won last week’s Hershey Kiss bonanza at the STEM Fair and, without any prompting, shared his winnings with his classmates and teachers.

In honor of Good Deeds Week, I will share a Torah thought about righteousness:

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March 14, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - March 10, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

With Purim in the rearview mirror, we now look forward to Pesach! Today our eighth grade students visited the United States Federal Courthouse and had a wonderful time.

This week will be our Annual SHA STEM Fair in which our students engage guests in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activities and in which the Middle School students present the STEM projects that they have been creating over the past weeks.

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March 6, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - March 3, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

We will celebrate Purim this coming Monday night and Tuesday, be’ezrat Hashem, and we have been preparing for the holiday over the past days and weeks.

Our annual SHAlach Manot Campaign concluded this week. Thank you to our amazing parent volunteers for helping to pack and deliver over 600 SHAlach Manot Packages! Thank you to Benjamina Menashe and Peta Mehlman for coordinating this great program.

On Sunday night, I led a class for parents about Megilat Esther in the North End community at the home of Lesley and Mike Weichbrodt. Thank you to all who helped make this program a success!

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February 24, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - February 24, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

Mishenichnas Adar, marbim besimcha - when Adar arrives, we increase our joy.

Rosh Chodesh Adar occurred this past Tuesday and Wednesday, we are now in the month of Purim! We are looking forward to dress up days and our annual Purim Carnival next week. There is much to look forward to!

SHA wishes mazal tov to Zahava Azous and the Azous Family on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah.

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February 21, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - February 16, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

An extended thought on Perashat Mishpatim for this short week of school:

Source in the Verses
Parashat Mishpatim emphasizes the importance of maintaining a judicial system rooted in integrity. The Torah records four necessary qualities of a judge: accomplished, G-d-fearing, committed to truth and money-despising.

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February 7, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - February 3, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

This has been an incredible week at Seattle Hebrew Academy!

We returned to school on Monday still excited about last week’s inspiring Family Shabbat Dinner. What an event! Thank you to Sharon Mezistrano and her committee, and to Chef Dalia Amon and her team for all of their work in arranging this great program.

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January 30, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - January 27, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

Before sharing some words of Torah below, I will share a few timely announcements.

SHA Family Shabbat Dinner
Tonight, Leil Shabbat, we will be hosting the SHA Family Shabbat Dinner at Congregation Ezra Bessaroth. The program is totally sold out (the room is full!) and I look forward to welcoming all of the families this evening. If you did not make reservations, we will miss you!

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January 20, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - January 20, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

Before sharing some words of Torah on this week’s perasha, I want to recognize two huge events coming up next week.

ISLANDWOOD! Our Fifth Graders will be traveling to Islandwood Environmental Education Center on Bainbridge Island this coming Monday through Thursday. Our students will be accompanied by Ms. Julia Guard, Ms. Kim Hardman, Shinshinit Daniella Barnett, and Fifth Grade Parent Eitan Basseri. Ms. Kerri Stern, Morah Sara Weiss, Morah Tali Rothstein and I will also attend parts of the program.

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January 13, 2023
Shabbat Shalom - January 13, 2023

Dear SHA Community,

The week began with the biennial Prizmah Conference. One thousand Jewish Day School professionals and lay leaders from around North America gathered in Denver to learn from each other and to learn from experts in school management and educational administration. I am proud to have represented our school together with five SHA representatives - K-8 Principal Kerri Stern, Dean of MS Sara Weiss, Development Director Benjamina Menashe, President Karen Naggar and Vice President Ben Lipman.

I want to give a huge acknowledgement to Ms. Stern and Morah Sara for being selected to deliver a presentation highlighting the strength of our Middle School and its culture.

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Hebrew Academy
1617 Interlaken Dr. E
Seattle, WA 98112
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Director of Admissions
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1617 Interlaken Dr. E, Seattle, WA 98112
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